Site of Undated Enclosure 300m N of Whitchurch Farm
Description of this historic site
Three sides of an enclosure are visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs. The enclosure, which is irregular in shape, is of unknown date. It is located 500m east of Wimpstone.
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Notes about this historic site
2 Three sides of what appears to be an irregular enclosure show on aerial photographs. It is possible that the absence of a fourth side is the result of a change in geology.
3 Fieldwork indicated a spread of ?natural patinated flint over the N part of the field, also a very thin scatter of ?worked flint (PRN 6023) which does not appear directly related to the enclosure. About ten pieces of ?burnt stone could relate to the enclosure. Its date is uncertain.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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