Roman defences, Alcester.

Description of this historic site

Sections of the defences of the Roman town of Alcester have been found during excavation. They comprised an earth rampart and a wall.

Notes about this historic site

1 A section cut through the defences of the Roman town revealed a clay rampart of C2 or later date. In front was a 2.7m wide wall. No defensive ditch was found at this point, where the land slopes steeply down to the River Arrow.
2 Further excavation produced additional evidence for the wall and the way in which it was constructed into the earlier turf and clay rampart. The foundations of the wall consisted of wooden piles driven into the natural gravel, packed with a layer of clay. It appears that the gravel bank sloped down to the River Arrow more steeply in the Roman period than it does now and it may have been deliberately scarped.
3 R A Tomlinson also excavated in this area but there is no information on this work.

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