Possible enclosures S of Manduessedum

Description of this historic site

A pattern of enclosures and possible structural elements discovered as the result of a geophysical survey. They are of unknown date and are situated 350m north of Crab Tree Farm.

Notes about this historic site

1 December 1995 fieldwalking suggested structure or building which has been ploughed away. Was ridge and furrow in 1977
2 A survey was undertaken in response to a request from Atherstone Archaeological Historical Society for a geophysical survey in order to determine the southeastern extent of a known Roman industrial site, WA 387, WA 6241, WA 6243, WA 6244, just south of the Roman roadside settlement of Manduessedum. Two areas were surveyed. Both have produced magnetic patterning of some archaeological significance. The general patterning of linears and grouping of other features identified by the gradiometer survey suggests a pattern of enclosures and just possibly structural elements, associated with pitforms and one possible burnt feature.

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