Linear Earthwork at Camp Hill, Beaudesert.

Description of this historic site

A linear earthwork, possibly dating to the Iron Age, is visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs. It is located 700m north east of Bird in Hand public house.

Notes about this historic site

1 ‘Camp’.
2 Considered to be Roman.
3 The feature is situated on a hillside. It is completely devoid of any defensive qualities and is undoubtedly a quarry.
4 The idea that this is a quarry is a misconception. There is a short but distinctive stretch of bank about 2-2.5m high from the bottom of the ditch among the trees that partly cover the site.
6 A length of linear ditch visible on the RAF air photograph curves around on the east side of the hill from about SP1668 to SP1568. This does not appear to be following the contours of the hill top. It is possible that this is part of a linear ditch system associated with the Hob Ditch complex to the N, or a hollow way on the course of Edge Lane (PRN 1225).
7 Field survey form from 1972 at SP16206830, which is 250m SE of this site.

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