Gully containing late Neolithic pottery, Bilton High School
A gully containing a pottery sherd with grooved decoration of possible late Neolithic date along with a small amount of worked flint were recorded during an evaluation on the site of Bilton High School; these suggest activity on the site during the third millennium BC.
1 A gully containing a pottery sherd with grooved decoration of possible late Neolithic date along with a small amount of worked flint was recorded during evaluation at Bilton High School suggests some activity on the site during the third millennium BC. Such pottery, if indeed it is Neolithic, would usually be found in pits which were dug for special deposits, or in ditches surrounding large ceremonial monuments. It may be possible that the construction of the Iron Age ditch (see MWA12490) distrubed such a pit, and the sherd is residual.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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