Flint Scatter 500m SSE of Marlcliff
A flint scatter comprising flint artefacts of Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age date. The site is located 450m south east of Marlcliff.
1 Finds made in 1986: Two flint flakes, ?both natural.
2 Find made in 1987: Unretouched flake struck from prepared core.
3 Finds made in 1987: One blade knife, one notched piece of flint.
4 Finds made in 1988: Patinated flake with retouch cutting patina, flake with edge retouch, two retouched flakes.
5 Find made in 1988: Corticated flake scraper. Mesolithic/Neolithic/Bronze Age.
6 Find made in 1988: Struck flake with some retouch.
7 Finds made in 1988 at SP10105015. Five retouched flakes, one snapped blade, one notched flake.
8 Sparse scatter of flint noted during field survey including one Neolithic leaf-shaped arrowhead.
9 Noted.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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