Findspot - Roman pottery, tile & metal objects
Description of this historic site
Findspot - fragments of Roman pottery, tile and metal objects were found 200m west of The Hangings.
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Notes about this historic site
1 Fieldwalking by the Edgehill Project Group located a concentration of pottery consisting of sherds of Samian Ware, black – burnished ware and other pottery typical of material originating from Oxford kiln sites. About 85% of the assemblage consisted of oxidised and reduced coarseware types. A small amount of tile was collected one piece having a small flange. A bronze or copper alloy implement, broken at one end and decorated with grooves at the other, may be a pin or personal object. A coin an AE3 of Constantius II, AD 337 – 361, was also found.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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