Findspot - Roman pottery sherds and coin

Description of this historic site

Findspot - pottery sherds and a coin dating to the Roman period were found 1km south east of Weston Hill.

Notes about this historic site

1 Roman pottery found in the parish of Weston upon Avon, associated with a coin of the Emperor Domitian. A few fragments were of Samian ware, the remainder of red and grey colour. These finds were donated to the society.
2 Weston on Avon: Samian and other potsherds, small bronze boar, coin of Domitian, three Constantinian coins. Source quoted as reference 1.
3 No mention of the bronze boar or Constantinian coins is made in reference 1. This may have come from a Roman site at Welford (PRN 1344).
4 Finds from ‘Nobbs’ (Knobbs Farm). Transferred (to Museum) 1865. These included Samian rim, Samian base, base of colour coated vessel, four sherds of the rim of a jar and rim sherd of a dish.

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