Findspot - Prehistoric flints & pottery fragments
Findspot - various finds of Prehistoric date, including flint artefacts and fragment of pottery, were found in the area of High Cross.
1 A fieldwalking survey prior to gravel extraction found evidence of occupation at all levels of prehistory. However the density of the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age flint tools and flakes could not be regarded as evidence of substantial archaeological deposits. Trial trenching indicated the presence of a structure heavily disturbed by modern agriculture. This may have been either a Hengiform monument of the later Neolithic or a segmented round barrow dating from the Bronze Age. Other features comprise limited evidence for Bronze Age/Iron Age activity.
2 Observation of topsoil stripping in the SE corner of the quarry in 1996 revealed only a probable Post-Medieval gravel pit, four worked flint flakes, two fragments of Romano-British tile and one of pottery.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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