Findspot - Palaeolithic flint handaxe

Photo of site where a Palaeolithic axe was found, Radford Semele | Image courtesy of Gary Stocker, February 2020.
Site where a Palaeolithic axe was found, Radford Semele
Image courtesy of Gary Stocker, February 2020.
Description of this historic site

Find spot - a Palaeolithic handaxe was found to the west of The Gresswoldes, Radford Semele.

Notes about this historic site

1 1967. Flint hand axe found by Mr A H Plumb. It was found in 4th terrace gravel during building work. The exact findspot is known to within 10m. The hand axe was found in situ 1.2m below the surface. Mr Plumb also found water-rolled pieces of flint with two flake scars. The hand axe is 10.1cm long and has been made from half a pebble.
2 Drawing.

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