[Southam May Day], horse drawn float containing a group of small boys with the banner 'Our Future Hope', with a crowd and another float outside the Craven Arms, High Street; the driver of the first float is standing in the foreground. 1908
IMAGE LOCATION: (Warwickshire County Record Office)
Reference: PH, 350/2043, img: 90
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A Mrs Anna Poulton was a familiar site some years before 1923. She had a donkey and cart to transport wares. One of her routes was to Banbury railway station to collect things and always gave her donkey a pint of beer from the GWR Hotel.
For two years running she won first prize for the best decorated vehicle at the May Day parade. The third year she came third.
Source: “Rural Romance: Quaint Tales of Old Warwickshire (Shakespeare’s Country) by T B D Horniblow
A Mrs Anna Poulton was a familiar site some years before 1923. She had a donkey and cart to transport wares. One of her routes was to Banbury railway station to collect things and always gave her donkey a pint of beer from the GWR Hotel.
For two years running she won first prize for the best decorated vehicle at the May Day parade. The third year she came third.
Source: “Rural Romance: Quaint Tales of Old Warwickshire (Shakespeare’s Country) by T B D Horniblow
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