Rugby. Armistice celebrations

Rugby Armistice procession in Craven Road.  1918 [This photo is almost certainly of the Rugby Peace Celebrations, July 19th 1919. The clothing, leaves on the trees etc are consistent with July, not November. No reference to the 'floats' seen in the photo being present on the procession through Rugby.] |  IMAGE LOCATION: (Rugby Library)
Rugby Armistice procession in Craven Road. 1918 [This photo is almost certainly of the Rugby Peace Celebrations, July 19th 1919. The clothing, leaves on the trees etc are consistent with July, not November. No reference to the 'floats' seen in the photo being present on the procession through Rugby.]
IMAGE LOCATION: (Rugby Library)
Reference: T, 940.4393.8, img: 7736
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