Dunnington. Sunday school outing

Dunnington Sunday school outing.  c.1948[Middle row - left to right- John Hancox, Robert Hancox, Dennis hanson, Margaret Hancox, ?, Dorothy Hancox, ?, Philip Ward.
Front row - ?, Linda Tew, Gordon Bennett, Brian Shelley, Dorothy Donnington, Raymomd Tew] |  IMAGE LOCATION: (Warwickshire County Record Office) IMAGE DATE: (c.1946)
Dunnington Sunday school outing. c.1948[Middle row - left to right- John Hancox, Robert Hancox, Dennis hanson, Margaret Hancox, ?, Dorothy Hancox, ?, Philip Ward. Front row - ?, Linda Tew, Gordon Bennett, Brian Shelley, Dorothy Donnington, Raymomd Tew]
IMAGE LOCATION: (Warwickshire County Record Office) IMAGE DATE: (c.1946)
Reference: CR, 3003/76, img: 8668
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