This appears to be incorrectly titled. Blackcliffe is not on the Arrow, it is on the Avon just west of the Welford junction on the Stratford /Bidford road. The river shown is far too wide to be the Arrow and this photo appears to be taken looking south from somewhere near the old railway line. The flat meadow on the left is probably the far end of the playing fields accessed just over the bridge on the right. The bank on the right has been developed with a small number of dwellings, not to be confused with the development at the Holt [Halt surely- it’s the old station ! ] on the main road. Ardens Grafton is some two or three miles away.
This appears to be incorrectly titled. Blackcliffe is not on the Arrow, it is on the Avon just west of the Welford junction on the Stratford /Bidford road. The river shown is far too wide to be the Arrow and this photo appears to be taken looking south from somewhere near the old railway line. The flat meadow on the left is probably the far end of the playing fields accessed just over the bridge on the right. The bank on the right has been developed with a small number of dwellings, not to be confused with the development at the Holt [Halt surely- it’s the old station ! ] on the main road. Ardens Grafton is some two or three miles away.
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