Undated cemetery
Duplicate of MWA1798 - but in a different location. It is considered that these two records represent the same site (i.e. the undated skeletons discovered in 1777 on Bordon Hill).
1 Marginal. In the old inclosures belonging to Dodwell, in 1777, in digging for limestone, six human skeletons were found, but neither weapons nor any other appendages.
2 I have no doubt that the quarry alluded to in reference 1 was on a spur of the hill (Bardon Hill), towards the W end and only a little distance from the Stratford and Evesham road.
3 This quarry could not be identified.
4 See PRN 916.
5 Archaeological observation of the laying of a new pipeline between Bordon Hill (SP 1730 5420) and the A46 Alcester Road (SP 1705 5560) found no trace of the undated cemetery.
6 There seems to be some conflation between MWA916, 917 and 1798. MWA1798 and 917 refer to the 1777 discoveries; MWA916 refers to the discoveries made in 1860 or 1861. Giving the difficulty in locating both sites, it is possible that the same area/site is being referred to.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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