
Description of this historic site

Eight pits were identified , cutting through natural deposits and adding to the pits found in the field evaluation. Some 17th-18th century pottery found.

Notes about this historic site

1 Pit [533] was 0.1m deep, packed with gravel and may form the remnant of a garden path. Features [506] and [508], 0.42m and 0.3m deep respectively, contained uniform fills of a mid-grey silty sand.
Pits [535] and [537] were 0.8m and 0.39m respectively and both contained uniform fills of a brown silty sand. Pit [512] was 0.6m deep and generally consisted of a mid-grey or grey-brown sandy silt or an orange brown silty sand.
Pit [523] was sealed by cobbled surface. The pit was not fully exposed but was at least 0.62m deep and contained three fills, again of grey-brown. This pit was in turn cut by 0.34m deep pit [520] which contained a uniform fill of a dark grey sandy silt.