Old Church of St Nicholas, Baddesley Ensor.

Description of this historic site

The site of the Medieval church of St. Nicholas, which was demolished in 1848. It was situated south west of Lower House Farm.

Notes about this historic site

1 Original site of the parish church. This was rebuilt on a new site in 1848, but the 12th century doorway to the church was reset in a passageway in the village and another 12th century doorway is in Atherstone churchyard.
2 A drawing from Aylesford Collection c. 1820 shows a small church with nave and chancel and a N porch. The porch had a Norman doorway and two other possible Norman windows existed in the visible part of the building.
3 In 1953 the site of the church was indicated by an ’empty’ space in an area otherwise filled with gravestones. Probing within this area revealed foundations at a depth of 0.5m. By 1967 the disused graveyard was thickly overgrown and the precise church site not identifiable.
4 Prior to field survey at Birch Coppice, documentary research was undertaken to try and determine the exact location of the church. An 1848 Baddesley Ensor parish map showed the former church to lie in the centre of the plot, to be oriented to the north-east and to have a simple double cell plan. Only a light scatter of medieval pottery was recorded in the immediate vicinity of the church.

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