Findspot - Roman pottery sherds

Description of this historic site

Findspot - sherds of Roman pottery were found 100m west of Daniels Wood.

Notes about this historic site

1 This field in the past has yielded fragments of Roman pottery. The line of the M6 extension runs across this field. A short excavation was therefore undertaken in May 1969. An area some 12m in diameter at the E end of the field yielded a slight spread of very abraded Roman pottery (some 30 sherds including the rim of a late type of mortarium from the N Warwickshire kilns). The area was carefully investigated, but again no trace of structures could be found, the natural marl being marked only by the furrows of deep ploughing. Had any Roman structure existed it must have been both flimsy and short-lived. Alternatively occupation may have been situated near but outside the line of the motorway.
2 Three sherds of mortarium, three black-burnished sherds, 21 coarse grey sherds.