Findspot - Prehistoric Flint Scatter

Description of this historic site

Findspot - a scatter of Prehistoric flint artefacts was found 300m north west of Red Hill Wood.

Notes about this historic site

1 In two fields, east of Westgrove House, fieldwalking produced a scatter of 18 worked flints. Two out of three or four patinated flints have been identified as mesolithic; the majority were unpatinated, and amongst them were three typical of the late Neolithic/ early Bronze Age and others not inconsistent with this date. It is possible that this scatter is indicative of a late Neolithic/ early Bronze Age settlement in the area.

A magnetometer survey and trial trenches were carried out in advance of improvement works to the A46. These failed to provide any further evidence of prehistoric settlement.

It was noted that any prehistoric features would likely have been destroyed by Medieval cultivation.

2 The excavation of 38, 1m square test pits along the route of the Stratford Strategic Supply water main across this area revealed no archaeological features or significant finds. Observation of the surface of the geological natural clay after the removal of the topsoil within the pipeline easement also did not reveal any significant finds or deposits. (EWA7314)

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