Findspot - Neolithic to Bronze Age flint, Tower Hill, Bidford on Avon
Findspot - various flint artefacts of Neolithic to Bronze Age date, including a leaf-shaped arrowhead, were found in the area south of Tower Hill, Bidford on Avon.
1 Find made in 1986 at SP107520. Flint flake with reworking.
2 Finds made in 1986 at SP107520: Three struck flint flakes.
3 Find made in 1987: Flint flake with bifacial and retouch.
4 Finds made in 1987: Knife, flake, natural flake.
5 Finds made in 1987 at SP107520: – Four struck flakes, one with edge retouch.
6 Finds made in 1987 including plano-convex knife and two scrapers.
7 Finds made in 1987: 11 flints including a leaf-shaped arrowhead, a scraper, five retouched flakes, two blades, a probable waste flake and two natural flints.
8 Finds made in 1987 at SP108521: – Five flints including a small core retouched as a scraper, an awl or piercer, a knife, probable blank for a leaf-shaped arrowhead.
9 Find made in 1988: Flint knife.
10 Eleven flints from the Neolithic/Bronze Age period were found in 1988 at SP107520: one patinated flake with recent edge damage, one corticated flake, one corticated edge scraper, one disc scaper, a blade with edge retouch, one ulitised flake (?), one patinated flake – edge retouch breaks patina, one disc scraper, one struck flake, one flake inverse retouch, one retouched flake.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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