Findspot - Iron Age currency bars

Description of this historic site

Findspot - a large hoard of 394 Iron Age currency bars was found on Meon Hill.

Notes about this historic site

1 In 1824 a large hoard of 394 currency bars was found 1.2m below the surface on Meon Hill. These currency bars were perhaps originally packed into a chest.
2 Hoard of 394 or 393 currency bars. Now in Oxford, Gloucester, Stratford, Reading, Hereford and Cheltenham. These appear to be primarily spit-shaped bars.
3 The find spot is not known, but it may be the spot marked ‘remains found’ on Dyson’s map.
4 This location is just behind the rampart on the N of the camp. This was the earliest find of a hoard of currency bars in the country and remains the largest single hoard.

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